“Man is defined as a human being and woman is defined as a female. Whenever she tries to behave as a human being she is accused of trying to emulate the male.”
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1949)
first of all, please consider the context of Asia. and what i am arguing here does not apply to just about anyone. and i am not talking particularly about couples, marriage or faithfulness but sex as a subject itself.
I still have a very hard time understand why, why is sexual intercourse considered a sin? even now fifty years after the sexual revolution (not in my country though), embedded in our minds from young is the dirty, undisclosed nature of sex. from our grandmothers to our mothers down to us, sex is taboo and virginity should be a woman's best-kept treasure.
if there is any reason i was scared of sex and its topics throughout my adolescence, it was for the society i was living in, for the adults who has bored down their perception of sex onto me, who was so innocent and knew nothing. I was awashed by social beliefs without asking questions. rule of thumb: keep your virginity until marriage, stay away from men's desires.
there! men's desires. what about women's desires? are we supposed to be a kind of playdoll who will prove useful when time comes? that's how sex is distorted from a basic need into something associated with men's desires - which is undoubtedly bad.
urgh. the concept of virginity. led by man, followed by woman who wanted to settle down as soon as they find a good match and forever they would, settle down for the rest of their lives while their husbands went sleeping around. i am sick of men who seek for a virgin wife while they boasts for their 'experience'.
if you want to keep your well beings, fine, please. just that you don't have the right to judge someone based on whether or not they have sex before marriage or because they have had one night stand. each lives to his own standard and who says your standard is the one and only rightful code of living?
why does sex become a topic so sensitive few dare to speak out directly? at the same time why are they so openly obsessed with women's sexual features - to the point that some turned into devalued pornography? shameful prostitutes while their customers passing through without any trouble?
would it be any better, how would it be if sex is considered as any equal, basic need? will the world go mad if it does? will there be an outspread of STDs, AIDS and abortion then? how would family be redefined if there is more freedom in terms of sexual intercourse?
i am dizzy. but since all of these are not going to happen anytime soon, let's go to sleep.
Go to WC is a sin too, be careful!