Friday, July 27, 2012

action overdose

Oh, I think it all started with Inglourious basterds, because my best buddy claimed it one of the best from that year's Oscar nominees. I always trust his sense for films, so I watched.

blood sweating, heads falling, massacre, blood not spilling but spraying like deodorant. I was quite shocked, but handled it well. Of course, this can't be best Oscar nominee of the year for a girl who used to play Barbie as a kid and wore Hello Kitty schoolbag.

Then Death Proof was on on HBO. But except for a so-called strip-tease and fancy car, I don't remember anything about it. Told ya, I was not meant for those kind of beasts. But God knows why, I bumped into Pulp Fiction on the rack. Time for some classic I said.

It was some classic, I told best buddy - If I were a guy this would my on my top5 list. He was a huge fan of Pulp Fiction and BAMP there came a few thoughtful comments but to tell the truth I don't remember a lot. I don't remember a lot of things but something starts to grow from that more than an hour to two hours. The cast was awesome Quentin was brutal he ripped the beasts inside out, quenched our thirst for gore in a strong storytelling style. Man I have to watch it again preferably with somebody who knows. Or a lot of people will slap me for not grasping half of its charm.

I am (trying to be) freaking truthful because you don't bullshit over Quentin's movies.

You know what stuck in my mind after watching Kill Bill? The soundtrack. How does it work - the lonely shepherd and a bunch of spanish, japanese pop songs to this bloody showdown? But actually it was the rather weird mix of violence and sentimental music that walked straight into the mind.

I am turning into lots of actions thanks to a few guys who talk movies. It's good, I unawaringly enjoyed them to the last minute, made my dumb face staring at the end credits and feel awfully fresh-headed. Now the question is...