Out of luck, I just happened to learn something really great today: movement and being able to move.
For the longest time I was such a sloth: no sports, no work-out, no hard sweats. I was the exact artist type: dreamy, frail and slow. It was only recent that I picked up running, and tried my luck on yoga, working out, basket ball etc. (I am a hopeless dreamer and still trying). Will skip the part of how working out has gradually changed me, I want to share with you one or two things about MOVEMENT.
As we are far from the time of hunting and gathering - from working physically to get our food, we have lost touch with our body. Maybe that is why we club - to releash the tension from everyday works and social roles, to let go, let loose of yourself and your body, and of course to seek for interaction and attention - that's our basic instinct. And today I just found all that in a practice from Kai from Tradeschool from Ido Portal.
What is the reason behind your work-out? Is it because you want to loose weight? Stay healthy and fit? Want to have curves, all parts slim and full magically like the golden ratio? Like a lot of people have told me, I would be able to take in whatever food and don't have to exercise so much to burn all the calories. It's true that I have high-metabolism and (un)fortunately wouldn't gain so much weight, but my body does know whether it is feeling good or not. Just like you I experience meat-sweat, excess fat on my belly etc. and I need to do something, move, run, play, scream to get rid of the nasty feel.
Honestly I am still struggling with my poor self-discipline, trying hard to keep running on a regular basis - but isn't it quite natural - you just move your body because it is embedded in every cell of yours? To get rid of that fatty chunk is great, but first of all you experience a kind of orgasm after each of your work-out session. Feeling great, afresh, sweated, breathing loudly and strongly and accomplished.
So Ido methods that I was so lucky to try out today - is all about how we should move freely and naturally through cross-practices. I have almost zero-knowledge about sports and all that, so I am just rambling a bit here. Kai (our teacher, who attended Ido's workshop in Singapore a few months ago) taught us the basics moves, and from then we paired up, did something like counter-attack but much less intense, the aim is to feel the person coming at you and avoid them by moving around with the basics we just learnt. It was great funnnn and it immediately opened up my thoughts, resulting on this messy entry.
Hear Ido talking about movement and motivation here
So, move your ass. Let's ever, always move.
For the longest time I was such a sloth: no sports, no work-out, no hard sweats. I was the exact artist type: dreamy, frail and slow. It was only recent that I picked up running, and tried my luck on yoga, working out, basket ball etc. (I am a hopeless dreamer and still trying). Will skip the part of how working out has gradually changed me, I want to share with you one or two things about MOVEMENT.
As we are far from the time of hunting and gathering - from working physically to get our food, we have lost touch with our body. Maybe that is why we club - to releash the tension from everyday works and social roles, to let go, let loose of yourself and your body, and of course to seek for interaction and attention - that's our basic instinct. And today I just found all that in a practice from Kai from Tradeschool from Ido Portal.
What is the reason behind your work-out? Is it because you want to loose weight? Stay healthy and fit? Want to have curves, all parts slim and full magically like the golden ratio? Like a lot of people have told me, I would be able to take in whatever food and don't have to exercise so much to burn all the calories. It's true that I have high-metabolism and (un)fortunately wouldn't gain so much weight, but my body does know whether it is feeling good or not. Just like you I experience meat-sweat, excess fat on my belly etc. and I need to do something, move, run, play, scream to get rid of the nasty feel.
Honestly I am still struggling with my poor self-discipline, trying hard to keep running on a regular basis - but isn't it quite natural - you just move your body because it is embedded in every cell of yours? To get rid of that fatty chunk is great, but first of all you experience a kind of orgasm after each of your work-out session. Feeling great, afresh, sweated, breathing loudly and strongly and accomplished.
So Ido methods that I was so lucky to try out today - is all about how we should move freely and naturally through cross-practices. I have almost zero-knowledge about sports and all that, so I am just rambling a bit here. Kai (our teacher, who attended Ido's workshop in Singapore a few months ago) taught us the basics moves, and from then we paired up, did something like counter-attack but much less intense, the aim is to feel the person coming at you and avoid them by moving around with the basics we just learnt. It was great funnnn and it immediately opened up my thoughts, resulting on this messy entry.
Hear Ido talking about movement and motivation here
So, move your ass. Let's ever, always move.